Eletronic Seal
To sign digitally electronic invoices, certificates, account statements, declarations, and other types of electronic documents.
The legal Representation of your Entity in compliance with eIDAS
This type of certificate is intended for unique identification of a legal person (company / entity / organization) with a guarantee of its integrity and authenticity throughout the European Union.
It works as a secure digital version of the company stamp or white seal for public bodies. Introduced by eIDAS, similar at a technical level to an electronic signature certificate for an individual. The difference from an electronic seal is that it is valid only for legal persons.

Electronic Seal, your digital “stamp”
It can be used to stamp on:
- Electronic account statements.
- Electronic declarations.
- Email signature on behalf of a corporate body.
- Other digital documents (certificates and documents issued online by public entities).

When do I need an Electronic Seal
- To sign invoices and emails only with company data.
- To sign documents, account statements, declarations, certificates, and all types of electronic documents, on behalf of the company.
- When there is the need for a certificate that is equivalent to the Company stamp or the white seal of a Public Organisation.
What is the documentation required to issue this type of certificate?
- Contract of the issuance of the certificate signed by the entity´s legally responsible person(s) (*)
- Permanent Certificate, or equivalent documents (see here)
- Cross-copy of identification documents (Identity Card, Credit Card, Passport,) of the entity´s legally responsible person
(*) Signed with:
- Qualified electronic signature by the holder and legal representatives
- Qualified electronic signature by the holder and electronic seal qualified by the Entity
- Handwritten signature recognized in person by a lawyer, notary, or solicitor
- Handwritten signature according to the identification document carried out in person at Multicert facilities.
What do I need to get the Certificate?
For more details, consult here the documentation needed to issue your Certificate and clarify your doubts regarding the acquisition and use of Digital Certificates.